How can parents help their child?
How as parents can we really help our children?
How as parents can we really help our children?
This is the question that every parent asks themselves. As an educator the best thing you can do is be their advocate, supporter and develop both strengths and weaknesses.
This blog will cover some of the other points.
Building Self-esteem
Building Self-esteem
Find an interest and nurture it.
- Confidence is built by trying out new things and being successful in learning new things.
- Carrying out physical activity.
- Comparing ourselves to our peers and finding we are at the same level or better. This could include a wide variety of skills.
What do you do already that fits into these three things?
What more could you do with them like this?
There are things that you must not do, as they reduce self-esteem.
- Tell them off for things they can't do because of their dyslexia.
- Discuss your worries in front of them.
- Encourage learned helplessness.
- Be too pushy or over anxious.
This is often a challenging area for children with dyslexia and their parents and can often be a battle ground.
- Establish a routine.
- Be encouraging, praise their effort, go over instructions together and generate ideas.
- Make checking through work a part of their homework routine. Technology can be really helpful with this.
- If your child is overburdened with their homework, discuss this with the school about what is acceptable for your child.
Teach Organisational Skills
Teach Organisational Skills
This an area that many neurodiverse pupils struggle with and can be key to helping them succeed.
- Have a lesson and homework timetable visible at home and check it each day.
- Help your child learn time management by prioritising what needs to be done urgently and what can be planned for later.
- Help your child learn to pack their school bag and encourage them to make lists.
- Keep a stock of pencils, pens etc. in your car or bag in case their own get left behind or forgotten.
- Buy colour coded files to encourage your child to organise their work so that they don't have to rely on their working memory to find things.
AND FINALLY... for more tips on how to help your child with spelling, handwriting, homework or reading the British Dyslexia Association website has relevant information.
AND FINALLY... for more tips on how to help your child with spelling, handwriting, homework or reading the British Dyslexia Association website has relevant information.